Member-only story
Stairmaster vs Elliptical
What is the best aerobic exercise?
A couple of months ago I joined a new gym. It’s much closer than my last gym and I now train far more frequently. With a new gym less than five minutes away, I’m able to do aerobics at least three times a week.
I like squatting with heavy weights, so I’m very careful about the aerobic exercises I do. Anything that involves a lot of impact on the joints of the ankles, hips, or knees, like the treadmill, is a no-go.
That leaves four commonly available aerobic exercises. The elliptical, the stairmaster, the stationery bike, and the rowing machine.
The bike is too easy and I thought it would give me a sore perineum. The rowing machine is tough, lacks a display screen to make thirty minutes of activity less onerous, and also risks giving me a sore arse. That leaves the elliptical and the stairmaster. Which one is the best? A quick Google search suggests the elliptical wins.
For my first aerobic exercise session I had intended to do ten minutes on the stairmaster before moving to the rowing machine, and then finishing on the elliptical. That was because I didn’t think I’d be able…