
Nasar Karim
May 25, 2024
Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

I hope that this is temporary
My frequency of slumbers,
It shakes me if I add it up
If I think about the numbers.

I pray for strength and clarity
But won’t hold my breath for answers,
I’ve seen most of life’s victories
Go to gamblers and chancers.

How can I stop the glue from drying
How can I stay awake?
I get up early just to feel
I’m up for nothing’s sake.

Am I even seeing truth
Or just hallucinating,
Realising that it can’t be real
Spending my life waiting.

Not even smiling when I should
On a permanent diversion,
Driving with my eyes closed
Compelled by blind excursion.



Nasar Karim

BSc Psychology. Author of Myshi Moo and the Frightening Face.