Member-only story
Racism, Lies, and Double Standards
There was a get-together at my mother’s house recently. A single event that highlighted just how ridiculous racism has become in Britain. It’s institutional and it’s based on lies.
What happened wasn’t remarkable. Twenty or so people got together under one roof, ate together, talked, laughed, and had a great time. And you should have seen the people; Africans, Pakistanis, an Indian, Filipinos, an English lady (my wife) and a Welsh lady. The religions represented in the room included Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. The food was delicious.
The thing is, it shouldn’t have been possible if there is any truth to what certain parts of the British media and most of the British government have been telling the country for years.
In 2015 The Telegraph claimed that “Islam is a threat to Western Values.” The get-together at my mother’s house was a celebration of Eid, a holy event in the Muslim calendar. I’d like to know what Western values the Telegraph thinks Islam is incompatible with. If the Telegraph’s definition of British values includes racism and intolerance, then it has a valid point. They are incompatible with Islam. That would be obvious to anybody who was at my mother’s house, or anyone who has attended an Eid celebration, or who has taken time to get to know Muslims or the other groups so maligned by British media and politicians.