Misogyny, The Far Right, Death Cults, Racists, and the Killing Machine.
It’s currently fashionable in British media and online to make the charge of misogyny against Muslims. As usual, The Far Right is shouting the loudest. I saw the headline this week comparing misogyny to ‘Islamism’ in a British newspaper. It’s an old trick, mentioning two chosen evils side by side to make them seem related.
Islam is the youngest of three religions that share the same God and many of the same prophets. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all Abrahamic faiths. It’s easy to find misogynistic references in all three faiths. Be that as it may, there is never any mention by the Far Right of the misogyny inherent in Christianity or Judaism. They are seen as white religions or European religions. That’s false. The prophets of those religions are all from the Middle East. Jesus Christ was born in Palestine. Moses was from the same region. They were Semites. As was the Prophet Mohammed.
The Torah says that if a woman is found committing adultery, both the woman and the man with whom she commits adultery should be murdered, or ‘put to death.’ It is Jewish women who must shave their heads and wear wigs, so their hair does not attract the attention of non-Jewish infidels. But the media and the far right don’t mention that. Misogyny is being cast as an exclusive Muslim evil. There is a reason for this.
The Far Right
Politicians in Britain have regularly echoed the views of The Far Right. Nigel Farage, currently the leader of Reform, and the highest-paid presenter on GBNews, was the leader of UKIP, also known as the English Defence League in suits. Former Home Secretaries Priti Patel and Suella Braverman brazenly stirred up racist, Islamophobic and anti-immigrant sentiments with their speeches and spread false claims in British newspapers. Lee Anderson, former Conservative Politician (now a member of Reform) claimed that Sadiq Khan, the Pakistani Mayor of London, had given London to his ‘Jihadist mates’ and let them run the city. The English Defence League (EDL) is an openly fascist organisation that played a big part in the recent race riots in Britain.
Those race riots were sparked by the killing of three innocent white children, by a Christian from Cardiff. Andrew Tate (who has been investigated for sex trafficking and is currently under house arrest for new charges involving minors), members of the EDL, TV personalities on right-wing channels like GB News, and even elected politicians instantly started spreading false information. They claimed the killer was a Muslim who had recently arrived on a boat, and the press even made up a Muslim name for him. The riots unfolded and spread across the country. Shops and libraries were looted, mosques and ethnic minorities were attacked and buildings housing asylum seekers were firebombed. It was a predictable outcome of more than a decade of stirring up anti-muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment. The rioters didn’t care about the loss of innocent life. If they had they would have done something when the nurse Lucy Letby was found to have killed numerous infants. Or when a white man with a samurai sword murdered a ten year old boy in Hainault earlier this year. They did nothing. That’s because the killers were both white, and the murdered boy was black. The rioters were driven by racism and Islamaphobia, not concern for the good of the country.
Death Cults
The English Defence League, the original springboard of Tommy Robinson’s political career, portrays Islam as a death cult, bent on the destruction of the West and at war with Western values. The English Defence League is a branch of the Jewish Defence League (JDL), a Zionist terrorist group as proscribed in the USA. Zionism is as Jewish as ISIS is Muslim. They are both despicable death cults which insult the religions they claim to represent and use scripture to justify extreme violence for political ends. So the British Far Right can’t really talk about the misogyny inherent in Judaism because doing so would hurt Zionism and much of the British Far Right is funded by Zionists.
Islamophobia is absolutely essential for Zionism. It is central to the dehumanization of Arabs (who are all portrayed as Muslims, though some of them are Christians, some are Jews, all are Semites) so that Israel can continue the policy of mudering, displacing, erasing and replacing Semites from all the lands that Zionists wish to occupy. Portraying all Arabs as Muslims and all Muslims as terrorists is a Zionist tactic which became dominant after the 1967 war. Having failed to remove all non Israeli Jews from the lands Israel attacked in 1967, the decision was made that if Palestinians (and anybody else living on land that Israel wanted) were to be mentioned at all, they should be called terrorists. At the same time, the idea of shared Judeo-Christain values entered political discourse, ignoring the fact that Jews had been persecuted almost exclusively by Christians for centuries. By framing the whole thing as a holy war, a ‘clash of civilsations’ if you will, Israel muddied the idea that it is simply a murderous colonial power, born out of white supremacy and racism.
What’s been happening in Palestine for the last ten months is an inevitable continuation of the Zionist project. It has nothing to do with the safety of Jews. The events of October 7th gave Israel an excuse to intensify and speed up their ultimate ambitions. Spreading racism and Islamaphobia to other countries garners Israel’s ideological, political, and military support.
White Fascism, racism and even anti-Semitism in Britain are largely caused and supported by Zionism. Suella Braverman and her husband were paid £28,000 this year for a trip to Israel. Tommy Robinson was being paid $11,000 a month by the Horowitz Foundation. He has been photographed posing on IDF tanks. During her tenure as Home Secretary Priti Patel had repeated unauthorised meetings with Israeli politicians. All of these individuals are well known for their anti-Muslim rhetoric. Racism and Islamaphobia are practically their calling cards.
David Lammy has visited Israel twice since Labour was elected in July. But Labour has dropped Rishi Sunak’s challenge to the ICJ’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu. Netanyahu refused to meet Lammy when he visited Israel for the second time. That’s not a surprise. Netanyahu, and the entire Israeli government, expect Britain to ignore international law for Israel’s benefit. On top of that, David Lammy is black and Netanyahu is a racist and white supremacist above all else.
When Obama was in the White House, Netanyahu went over his head and straight to Congress whenever he wanted anything. He wasn’t going to pay attention to a black President. Under Netanyahu’s government, black Jews arriving in Israel were sterilised by injections under the pretence that they were receiving immunisations. Arab Jews arriving in Israel from countries like Iraq had their babies taken from them at birth and given to European Jews. Netanyahu’s racism is not a unique part of his psyche, it is an integral part of Zionism, a colonial ideology that cloaks itself in the respectability of Judaism, and uses attacks on Jews around the world to claim that it is a victim. Historically, every time Israel escalates its violence, anti-Semitism increases around the world.
Zionist violence and the conflation of Israel with Judaism fuels anti-Semitism around the world and damages Britain. It also harms America. President Joe Biden once claimed that the billions in aid America sends to Israel each year are the best investment that America could ever make. But numbers and reality disagree with Biden’s assessment. AIPAC spends around $110 million a year interfering with elections and buying off American politicians. In return, the American taxpayer sends Israel $4 billion every year. Do the maths. Israel is an economic liability.
The Killing Machine
Besides the economic damage, supporting Israel has utterly destroyed any appearance of a moral backbone or respect for law and human rights that America may have once enjoyed.
Israeli terrorism and lies have led to the deaths of many Westerners. There was the bombing of the King David hotel in 1946. There was the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. There was the murder of Rachel Corrie, an American diarist run over by an Israeli bulldozer that was demolishing Palestinian homes. In 2002, Netanyahu lied to Congress about Iraq possessing nuclear weapons and pushed forcibly for a US invasion of Iraq under President George Bush. That invasion cost thousands of American lives. Israeli forces have killed American aid workers and journalists.
Of late, Israel is trying to drag America into a war against Iran. Israel has also repeatedly struck Lebanon, killing several civilians without provocation. Israel wants to provoke a reaction. Then Israel will no doubt cast itself as the victim surrounded by barbaric, anti-Semitic, Muslim neighbours. Netanyahu has repeatedly told American audiences that if Iran, Lebanon or any other country it has attacked destroys Israel, America will be next. Never mind the fact that a country that could defeat Israel in war doesn’t necessarily stand much chance against America. Never mind the fact that Israel is the biggest killer of Semites since Germany in the second world war. And the biggest killer of journalists. And the biggest killer of aid workers. And the only country in which politicians and mobs take to the streets to defend soldiers who rape prisoners. Zionists want us all to believe that Islam is a death cult, Muslims are all misogynist, and Islam poses an existential threat to the West. Amazingly, some of us do.
Have you heard the one about the most moral army in the world?