Member-only story
If you can sell
Depending on who you listen to, selling is either the greatest or the lowliest profession on earth. Regardless of who you listen to, your motivation is one of the greatest assets you have, especially if you’re in sales. So you’d better guard your motivation like your life depends on it. No salesperson ever got anywhere thinking they’d rather be doing something else.
Early on in my sales career, I heard someone say, when it’s going well it’s the best thing in the world. That’s undeniable, but closer to the truth is this; it goes well when you think it’s the best thing in the world.
Enthusiasm really is key, and enthusiasm comes from belief.
A lot of salespeople are going to have rough patches that test their belief. Maybe the company’s product is no longer relevant, maybe the competition has moved on, maybe the economy has changed. All of those things do happen. And when they do, the last person you’ll hear it from is your sales manager. Sales people are all pump men. They understand the importance of belief, so they work hard to convince you that things are going to work out. In the new era of remote sales it’s easier for sales managers to spin stories. They can tell you that so and so had an amazing month, making more money than ever before, and they can tell you that you can do the same if you’ll just change A and tweak B. At the end of the day, your sales…