Member-only story
Boost your creative juices with music
Turn up the music and get writing
Apparently, writing isn’t always easy. I get that impression from what I read about writing. But there are certain similarities between the habits of successful writers, those who are published and able to make a living form writing. How I’d love to be like them, so I’ve read a lot about what they do and how they do it. Many successful writers have a strict routine. They get up and they write for a few hours, then they do something else for a few hours, before returning to writing. Some of them have a certain place they write from, like an office, a favourite chair or the attic. Once I can make enough money to take care of all my needs by writing, maybe I’ll dedicate a room, or an office to it. Maybe I’ll have a routine.
At this stage in my ‘writing career’ I have neither routine nor dedicated location. But things are still going well. When I am not despairing at my lack of readers, my lack of income from writing, or my non published works, I feel good about what I’ve done so far. I’ve been on Medium for just over four months, and I’ve written nearly 100 articles and poems, plus a short story. At the same time I’ve been working on a children’s story which is going really well, and another short story, and helping a post graduate university student with essays. I fit in more writing than I ever…